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Newton Abbot
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We look forward to welcoming you to our 10.30am Service on Sunday. If you can't join us you can stream live or catch up on a service by visiting our YouTube page.
A Message from our Minister - Rev Gill
It was morning. The soft morning light was slowly rousing
me wearily from my sleep, and outside the window I could
hear sweet, melodic bird song as their harmony reached
my ears, but I was not ready to wake and face the day
yet! I relaxed and dozed, reassured that my alarm
would rouse me in good time for a very early morning
Eventually I blinked my eyes open and lazily checked my watch to see how much more blissful sleep I could indulge in, but was dumbfounded to discover it was time to get up! And double quick! My alarm had failed me!
Research soon revealed that my phone was not connected to the charger so it was dead! I have two phone chargers, one charger was connected but this one was disconnected. My phone was dead and powerless without this life-giving source of power.
Two criminals were crucified beside Jesus at the cross. One connected with Jesus and the other did not. One said: Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom’ and Jesus reassured him:
I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise Lk 23:43
This penitent criminal knew God’s love and forgiveness instantaneously in his last hours, as he connected, remorsefully, with Christ and received eternal life. The criminal on his other side, however, mocked Jesus and remained disconnected from Christ’s mercy, love and eternal power.
This Easter are you staying connected to Jesus?
With Love
Rev Gill x
Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved Acts 16:31